Over the Memorial Day Weekend I had the pleasure of trading in my office tools for trail maintenance tools. Volunteering for an Appalachian Trail Work crew is one of my favorite ways to relieve stress. And it is most effective. I spent a full day working with the Konnarock crew on a trail relocation near …
Category Archive: Travel Tales
Apr 12
A soothing break from HM Doors!
I took this short video of Rainbow Falls in GSMNP so that I could remember the soothing sound. I need to loop the audio so that I can fall asleep to it, or whenever I need a short break from selling HM Doors! Have a great weekend. Related PostsBe a First Responder! “Be So …
Feb 22
The Fun Stuff!
Friday’s are for the fun stuff! My week on the Celebrity Constellation was marvelous. This was my first cruise but definitely will not be my last. I probably would feel differently if my first experience had been that of the Carnival Triumph. My sympathies go out to all those passengers. It was very relaxing to …
Feb 19
Cause of Abandoned Construction in Jamaica?
Our first port of call was Falmouth, Jamaica. Never having been out of the country before we weren’t sure what to expect. I have to admit it was a little daunting to see law enforcement officers standing along the roads with automatic weapons. We took a bus shuttle from Falmouth to Montego Bay, specifically Doctor’s …
Feb 04
More Good News
Another article from the WSJ with a positive message and more good news! As far as new contracts go, Skanska is the United States’ seventh largest construction company. Still early in the year, they have over $400 million in projects lined up in the US. They are aggressively looking for more with a focus on …
Oct 26
Logging those trail miles
Last week I found myself in an internationally renowned major resort city packed with gambling, shopping, fine dining and shows. Las Vegas bills itself as the entertainment capital of the world. In spite of all that concrete and steel I was able to log in some trail miles. On Saturday, I rented a car and …
Sep 28
Turning business into pleasure
On my way home from Tennessee last week I decided to take a long scenic route and get lost in the mountains. The nearest town to me was Robbinsville, NC and I knew I needed to head in a southwesterly direction to eventually pick up I75 South. I stumbled upon Hwy 143 heading more west …
Aug 27
A Saturday Morning Hike
Mar 09
Make a Difference, It’s Fun!
Throughout my life I have always tried to stay active as a volunteer. One of my first opportunities as a teenager was with Wildlife Rescue, Inc. in Tampa. Their main focus was on rehabilitating wounded Florida Panthers. What an experience it was to feed and help care for them. They also took in other animals, …
Mar 02
Volunteering on an AT Work Crew
Fridays are for fun, right? I have decided to reserve Fridays for posts about things I consider fun. I thought I would start this series with one of my favorite hobbies, hiking. The Appalachian Trail has been a crush of mine for many years. It started as a blazing obsession with dreams of one day …
Nov 18
Entertaining in NYC
Here are some pictures of one of the dinners we shared with great customers while in NYC for the DHI Conference. We truly enjoyed getting the chance to know everyone better. Thank you to everyone for such a fun night! Related PostsDHI 2014: Finding Time for Fun! “What …
Nov 17
I had an absolutely marvelous time at the DHI Conference in New York. It was my first trip to the city and I cannot wait to go back! As expected, the conference was smaller than in years past. The acquiring of smaller companies by larger entities definitely played a part in fewer exhibitors over recent …
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