

Oct 29

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Websites aren’t enough anymore, now the question is:  Are you Tweeting?  Are you on Facebook?  What about LinkedIn?  Do you have a blog?  All very relevant questions in today’s society.

Budgets are tight and social media offers a way to get your product in front of your customer for little to no money.  Gone are the days of large marketing funds.  No longer do you have a person dedicated to marketing in an office.  Now marketing + business development + ++.  And if you are a small office well which hat do you want to wear today?  

My world expanded when I joined Twitter.  I “follow” architects in Scotland, New York City, Alabama, Austrailia, London etc.  They write about their projects and what is important to them.  That helps me in my job when I approach architects about the products I represent.  I also “follow” designers, remodelers and basically anyone in the building industry.  I enjoy learning about their professions.  Anywhere other than Twitter I would spend hours reading and researching but on Twitter it is all in 140 characters or less.

Need information…ask the people on Twitter.  Truly it is a plethera of information and everyone is generous about sharing.

Will it last?  I don’t know but I hope so.  As long as there is Twitter you can find me at @AGWilsonBS.

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