

Jan 23

NAWIC Career Workshop

Greater Gainesville hosted a successful NAWIC Career Workshop on Saturday.

Our evening started off with a welcome message and introduction of our Region 3 Director, Jean Cox.  Jean shared with us what NAWIC means to her and how being a member has helped to enhance her career.

Next up was inspiring our attendees to find out more about business social media.  We
played the popular Social Media Revolution youtube video. If you haven’t seen the video yet, please check it out.  The statistics presented make you say, wow!


We were fortunate to have Susan Snyder and Margaret Downey join us from the Executive Women’s Golf Association.  Margaret Downey, GM-L&D Strategies – CSX Transportation shared with us “The Secrets To Using Golf As A Business Tool”.

Here are some interesting statistics she noted in her presentation.

Key findings of Starwood Survey

–      45% say clients are more likely to give you their business if you golf together
–      59% believe the way a person plays golf is the way he/she behaves in business
–      57% say a hothead on the golf course is probably bad tempered at work
–      92% say people stressed at work would get more relief if they played golf
–      92% use golf as a way to make business contacts
–      97% of executives view golf with a business associate as a way to establish a close relationship

With our January to-do lists growing (engage with social media, learn to golf!) we needed to focus on stress relief and fitness.  And boy did we!  Angela Betancourt from Studio Z in Gainesville brought three of her instructors to do a Zumba demonstration.  Each instructor did a song and gave us a great workout.  Many of the ladies were inspired to check out Angela’s studio.

Maria Houle, a Project Executive with Skanksa brought us back to our career focus. Maria shared with us four questions she asked herself that helped her focus her career efforts.  Ask yourself (and answer) these four questions.

What is it that you really want to be and do?
What are you doing really well that is helping you get there?
What are you not doing well that is preventing you from getting there?
What will you do different tomorrow to meet those challenges?

We are building women career skills here, so our workshop wouldn’t be complete if we didn’t pick up tips on dressing for success.  Sylvia and Kelsey from White House Black Market put on a great demonstration on how to build a professional wardrobe with money saving tips!  It doesn’t get better than that!


Our last presentation was SCORE of Gainesville.  SCORE provides free and confidential Business Counseling and Mentoring for new or established businesses in a 5 county area. Reach out to organizations like SCORE for valuable tools and information.

Our evening ended with a toast to Jill Carter and Sharon Lottinville for their many years of devoted service to our chapter.  Jill, recently retired, and Sharon, soon to be retired will be very missed on the board, but they’re not going too far.  They will both stay members, hopefully for a long time!


It was a great evening full of fun and information.  We would like to make this an annual event, so  be on the lookout for info on “TAKE IT TO THE NEXT LEVEL 2014”!


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