Monday night Zumba classes at my local gym are very popular. A little too popular I fear. The classes have become so crowded that I avoid them like the plague, well like a fire emergency to be more exact.
A couple of months ago I quit attending the Monday night classes and made a comment to the gym manager that I thought they were unsafe. I politely made the suggestion that it wouldn’t be a bad idea to check the occupancy load for the room and monitor some classes. I couldn’t be sure that anything would come of my suggestion, but felt I needed to make them aware of an unsafe situation.
Fast forward to last week and I see this sign at the front desk of my gym.
There have been a lot of negative murmurings and I expect it to get worse when people are actually turned away. I am sure, however that everyone will get used to the new system and hopefully will understand life safety should come first.
A fellow door & hardware professional was in a similar situation while visiting an indoor playground. Here is her story.
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