

Dec 14

My gift to you – my favorite blogs Part 1

A common question that I am asked is why do I have a blog?  For me, blogging is a way of imparting different types of ideas and education to my customers on a casual basis.  Another reason I blog is because the people that write the blogs that I read are phenomenal and inspire me daily.  They impart education, advice and wit in such a manner that makes me excited when they post a new article.  I only hope I will eventually be this interesting.

“My favorites” blog list (in no particular order)

Lori Greene – Hardware Consultant for Ingersoll Rand

My BFF knew Lori when she lived in New England.  Even then Lori was teaching.  Her blog is full of valuable information about doors and hardware.  Oh and pictures, Lori loves getting pictures.  Most are what not to do but she uses them all as learning tools. Please check out her blog here: http://idighardware.com

Bob Borson – Architect

I “met” Bob on Twitter.  Everyone follows him and I now know why.  The man knows architecture and writes a blog that always makes me laugh while learning something new.   He has been invited to the Reign in Spain Architecture and Design Tour in 2011. Maybe he will need to take an assistant. Please run, don’t walk, to his blog:  http://www.lifeofanarchitect.com

Leah Thayer – Business Journalist/Editor/Publisher

Leah has great energy and writes an informative blog about all things remodeling. I also want to mention that the website www.daily5remodel.com is a website you need to bookmark if you are a remodeler.  Industry news, education, products – it’s all on this website and blog:   http://daily5remodel.blogspot.com

Scott Monty – Global Digital & Multimedia Comm. Manager for the Ford Motor Company

Scott’s blog helps me step outside the box for creative social marketing ideas.  Social Media has exploded the last two years and yet many businesses still have not realized the benefits. I like that Ford Motor Company did!   Click it: http://www.scottmonty.com

Stay tuned for Part II on Friday!

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